Claim settings
Clarification of claim settings
List of settings :
: Allow players to build in your claim.Destroy
: Allow players to destroy in your claim.Buttons
: Allow players to use buttons of any type in your claim.Items
: Allow players to use items of the items list (in config.yml) in your claim.InteractBlocks
: Allow players to interact with blocks of the interact blocks list (in config.yml) in your claim (it can be workbench, furnace, chest : all rightclickable block).Levers
: Allow players to use levers in your claim.Plates
: Allow players to use pressure plates of any type in your claim.Doors
: Allow players to use doors of any type in your claim.Trapdoors
: Allow players to use trapdoors of any type in your claim.Fencegates
: Allow players to use fencegates of any type in your claim.Tripwires
: Allow players to trigger tripwires in your claim.RepeatersComparators
: Allow players to use repeaters and comparators in your claim.Bells
: Allow players to use bells in your claim.Entities
: Allow players to interact with entities of the entities list (in config.yml) in your claim (it can be itemframes, paintings, boat, armorstands..).Explosions
: Allow explosions in your claims, this setting disable only blocks destruction and not damage.Liquids
: Allow liquids to flow into your claim.Redstone
: Allow redstone influence your claim (like when piston push a block into your claim).Frostwalker
: Allow players to freeze water with the enchantment "Frost Walker" on their boots in your claim.Firespread
: Allow the fire to spread into your claim.Teleportations
: Allow players to teleport naturally into your claim (like with enderpearls, chorus fruit..).Damages
: Allow players to deal damages on peaceful entities in your claim (like pigs, cows, villagers..).Pvp
: Allow players to pvp in your claim.Monsters
: Allow monsters to spawn in your claim.Weather
: Allow raining/snowing/thundering in your claim.Fly
: Allow players to use claim fly in your claim.Enter
: Allow players to enter physically into your claim.GuiTeleport
: Allow players to teleport to your claim via /claims.Portals
: Allow players to use portals in your claim.ItemsPickup
: Allow players to pickup items in your claim.ItemsDrop
: Allow players to drop items into your claim.SpecialBlocks
: Allow players to destroy special blocks in your claim (like Spawner if in the list of special blocks in config.yml).Windcharges
: Allow players to use wind charges in your claim (only the wind speed, not the explosion, for that you have to enable explosions setting too)
Last updated