How to set up a gui
Configuration guide for guis
First thing, the gui title, the value will be the key of the message in your language file, by default it's "gui-claims-title" in en_US.yml.
The number of rows, 6 is the maximum.
Where the list starts, and where the list ends. list-end-slot must be > list-start-slot. list-end-slot and list-start-slot must be < rows*9.
For your custom item, you can configure the material, the slot, the custom model date if you have one (with ItemsAdder), the title and the lore of the item and the action.
For the title and lore, you need to add to your language file (by default en_US.yml) the key and the value. It must starts with "custom-". For example, in en_US.yml, just add "custom-item-title: &cExample item".
For the action, there are types of click : LEFT, RIGHT, SHIFT_LEFT, SHIFT_RIGHT. The are types of action : CLOSE_INVENTORY, CMD, MSG. For the CMD, you need to use this syntax : "[CLICK]:CMD:[SENDER]:[COMMAND]", for example : "LEFT:CMD:PLAYER:gamemode creative".
Last updated